A self-paced course section does not have a set class time or meeting day but may have other limitations (for example, you may be required to complete assignments by a certain date). More information about the requirements for a particular course can be found in the comments for that section.
GERS 2366
Practicum (or Field Experience) - Adult- Development and Aging
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Practicum (or Field Experience) - Adult- Development and Aging
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Course Description for GERS 2366
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
GERS-2366-44370 (1270941) PRAC(or Fld Exp)Adlt Dev/Agin | TBA PRAC M T W R F | EFC 3 | May 18, 2020 Aug 6, 2020 (12 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus May Term Self Paced | Class Syllabus (PDF) (opens in a new tab/window) Textbook Info (opens in a new tab/window) IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: NOTE: GERS-2366-44370 PRACTICUM. BEGINS 5-18-20; ENDS 8-6-20. MANDATORY ORIENTATION: Monday, 5-18-20, 1:00-3:00pm, room N-114. 2 Round Table meetings MANDATORY: Tuesday, June 16 & July 28, 1:00-3:00pm, room N-114. PREQUISITE: GERS 1301, 1304, 1307, 1310, 1342, 1343, 2333; SCWK 1313 |