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A Distance Learning course will transfer to other institutions in situations where the on-campus section of the same course will transfer; however, students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution should consult the catalog of that institution and work with an advisor in planning their academic programs. Material about transfer information is available at each college's Advising/Counseling Center.

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Total Results: 94
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PHED 1119   
Beginning Weight Training   
1 Credit Hours    (8 classes)

PHED 1121   
Beginning Jogging   
1 Credit Hours    (11 classes)

PHED 1123   
Beginning Walking for Fitness   
1 Credit Hours    (8 classes)

PHED 1134   
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness II   
1 Credit Hours    (7 classes)

PHED 1141   
Intermediate Weight Training   
1 Credit Hours    (5 classes)

PHED 1143   
Inter Jogging   
1 Credit Hours    (2 classes)

PHED 1164   
Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness   
1 Credit Hours    (47 classes)

PHED 1304   
Personal/Community Health   
3 Credit Hours    (6 classes)

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