CNBT 1302
Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Systems in Construction I
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Systems in Construction I
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
CNBT 1311
Construction Methods and Materials I
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Construction Methods and Materials I
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
CNBT 1346
Construction Estimating I
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Construction Estimating I
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
CNBT 1359
Project Scheduling
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Project Scheduling
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
CNBT 1391
Special Topics Construction/Building Tec
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Special Topics Construction/Building Tec
3 Credit Hours (1 class)