MATH 1314
College Algebra
3 Credit Hours (2 classes)
College Algebra
3 Credit Hours (2 classes)
Course Description for MATH 1314
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
MATH-1314-89216 (1239123) College Algebra | T210 LEC M W 12:40 PM - 03:30 PM | RLC 3 | Jan 21, 2020 Mar 12, 2020 (8 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Spring 8 Week 1 Core | Class Syllabus (PDF) (opens in a new tab/window) Textbook Info (opens in a new tab/window) IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: Does your degree plan require you to take MATH 1314 College Algebra? Many degree plans use MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics or MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics to fulfill the math requirement instead of MATH 1314. If you are not sure, visit with your advisor to find out what math course is best for you. If you also need Trigonometry, ask your advisor about registering in the second 8 week flex term, MATH 1316 80218. | |||||||
MATH-1314-83019 (1239106) College Algebra | T210 LEC M W 04:00 PM - 05:20 PM | RLC 3 | Jan 21, 2020 May 14, 2020 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Core | Class Syllabus (PDF) (opens in a new tab/window) Textbook Info (opens in a new tab/window) IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: Does your degree plan require you to take MATH 1314 College Algebra? Many degree plans use MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics or MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics to fulfill the math requirement instead of MATH 1314. If you are not sure, visit with your advisor to find out what math course is best for you. |
MATH 1316
Plane Trigonometry
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Plane Trigonometry
3 Credit Hours (1 class)
Course Description for MATH 1316
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
MATH-1316-80218 (1239155) Plane Trigonometry | T210 LEC M W 12:40 PM - 03:30 PM | RLC 3 | Mar 30, 2020 May 13, 2020 (8 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Spring 8 Week 2 Core | Class Syllabus (PDF) (opens in a new tab/window) Textbook Info (opens in a new tab/window) IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: Delivery: Lecture, FlexTerm meets 3/24-5/14/ Reqd: "MyMathLab" and a non-CAS graphing calculator/ PreReq: MATH 1314/ Note: Calculators may not be permitted on some or all tests. |