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A self-paced course section does not have a set class time or meeting day but may have other limitations (for example, you may be required to complete assignments by a certain date). More information about the requirements for a particular course can be found in the comments for that section.

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Total Results: 12
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CDEC 1317   
Child Development Associate Training I   
3 Credit Hours    (1 class)

CDEC 1341   
CDA Preparation for Assessment   
3 Credit Hours    (1 class)

CDEC 1343   
Independent Study in Child Development   
3 Credit Hours    (1 class)

CDEC 1358   
Creative Arts for Early Childhood   
3 Credit Hours    (1 class)

CDEC 2286   
Internship-Child Care Provider/ Assistant   
2 Credit Hours    (2 classes)

CDEC 2287   
Internship - Child Care Provider/ Assistant   
2 Credit Hours    (1 class)

CDEC 2322   
Child Development Associate Training II   
3 Credit Hours    (5 classes)

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