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BLCK 1700
A 7HR Block Program
7 Credit Hours (1 class)
A 7HR Block Program
7 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-1700-81357 (1177403) Adv Manufact & Dsgn Lev I-Sem2 | TBA LEC M T W R F S U | RLC 7 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the Engineering Technology - Advanced Manufacturing and Design Level I Certificate Semester 2 Block (BLCK 1700.81357). Courses in this seven credit hour block include DFTG 2332.81357 5:40pm-8:25pm WH153 Manouchehripour, M; DFTG 2440.81357 Online Fleming, B. |
BLCK 1800
A 8HR Block Program
8 Credit Hours (3 classes)
A 8HR Block Program
8 Credit Hours (3 classes)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-1800-61350 (1174591) Network Associate Certificate | TBA INET M T W R F S U | MVC 8 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Internet Based Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Network Associate Certificate is an 8 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will all you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 1800.61350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: ITCC 1414.61350 INET Vaughn, D 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 ITCC 1440.61350 INET Vaughn, D 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-1800-81351 (1177228) Networking Assoc Cert - Sem 1 | TBA LEC T R 05:30 PM - 11:05 PM | RLC 8 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program Night | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the CIT - Networking Associate Certificate Semester 1 Block (BLCK 1800.81351). Courses in this eight credit hour block include: ITCC 1414.81351 TR 5:30pm- 11:05pm D276 Park,R (Flex 8/28-10/18); and ITCC 1440.81351 TR 5:30pm-11:05pm D276 Park,R (Flex 10/23-12/13). | |||||||
BLCK-1800-81352 (1177245) Networking Assoc Cert - Sem 2 | TBA LEC T R 05:30 PM - 11:05 PM | RLC 8 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program Night | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the CIT - Networking Associate Certificate Semester 2 Block (BLCK 1800.81352). Courses in this eight credit hour block include: ITCC 2412.81352 TR 5:30pm- 11:05pm D105 Huynh,P (Flex 8/28-10/18); and ITCC 2413.81352 TR 5:30pm-11:05pm D105 Ting,T (Flex 10/23-12/13). |
BLCK 1900
A Block Program
9 Credit Hours (5 classes)
A Block Program
9 Credit Hours (5 classes)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-1900-81350 (1177345) Supervisor Certificate - Sem 1 | TBA LEC M W F 09:05 AM - 11:05 AM | RLC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the Management-Supervisor Certificate Semester 1 Block (BLCK 1900.81350). Courses in this nine credit hour block include: BMGT 1301.81350 Flex Online (10/22-12/13) Felmet,S; BMGT 1327.81350 MWF 9:05am-10:00am B158 West,J; and BUSI 1301.81350 MWF 10:10am-11:05am B158 Wortley,K. | |||||||
BLCK-1900-81352 (1177365) Supervisor Certificate - Sem 2 | TBA LEC M T W R F S U | RLC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the Management-Supervisor Certificate Semester 2 Block (BLCK 1900.81352). Courses in this nine credit hour block include: BMGT 1382.81352 Coop (Meeting 9/8, 10/6, 11/3, & 12/1) Felmet,S; BMGT 2303.81352 Online Flex (10/22-12/13) Johnson,J. and HRPO 2301.81352 Online Flex (8/27-10/16) Felmet,S. | |||||||
BLCK-1900-21352 (1175123) Accounting Clerk Cert Lvl I | TBA LEC M T W R F S U TBA LAB M T W R F S U | McCoy, Margaret / Vita (PDF) | BHC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | |
Comments: The Accounting Clerk Certificate Level I Certificate is a nine credit hour block scheduled program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 1900-21352 you will be enrolled in the following classes: ACCT 2301-21352 MW 10:30-11:50 a.m. M121 Hurse, L. ACNT 1311-21352 MW 8:30-10:20 a.m. M121 Ansiaux, R. ACNT 1331-21352 Online Ansiaux, R. Students are TSI Math waived. Note: Enrolling in a block with lass than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-1900-61350 (1175177) Supervisor Certificate | INET INET M T W R F S U | Fernandez, Charles / Vita (PDF) | MVC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Internet Based Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | |
Comments: The Supervisor Certificate is a 9 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 1900.61350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: BUSI 1301.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Peters BMGT 1301.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Fernandez, C BMGT 1327.61350 . INET . 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 . Fernandez, C Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-1900-81356 (1177385) Adv Manufact & Dsgn Lev I-Sem1 | TBA LEC M W S 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM | RLC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the Engineering Technology - Advanced Manufacturing and Design Level I Certificate Semester I Block (BLCK 1900.81356). Courses in this nine credit hour block include DFTG 1309.81356 Online Fleming, B; DFTG 1345.81356 MW 11:00am-1:50pm WH129 Miller, J and DFTG 2335.81356 S 8:00am-2:00pm WH153 McVey, K. |
BLCK 1902
A Block Program
9 Credit Hours (1 class)
A Block Program
9 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-1902-81353 (1177188) Human Resources Cert - Sem 2 | TBA LEC M T W R F S U 09:00 AM - 12:55 PM | RLC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the Business Administration - Human Resources Assistant Certificate Semester 2 Block (BLCK 1902.81353). Courses in this nine credit hour block include ENGL 1301.81353 Online Kahan,S; HRPO 2301.81353 Online Flex (8/27-10/16) Felmet,S;BMGT 2382.81353 Coop (meeting 4 Satudays, 9/8, 10/6, 11/3, & 12/1).Felmet,S./ Block Prereq: College level ready in Reading and Writing. |
BLCK 1904
A Block Program
9 Credit Hours (2 classes)
A Block Program
9 Credit Hours (2 classes)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-1904-81351 (1177179) Human Resources Cert - Sem 1 | TBA LEC T R 08:00 AM - 10:50 AM | RLC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the Business Administration - Human Resources Assistant Certificate Semester 1 Block (BLCK 1904.81351). Courses in this nine credit hour block include: BMGT 1327.81351 TR 9:30am-10:50am N133 Izard,R; HRPO 2307.81351 Online Flex (8/27-10/19) Morable,L; MATH 1324.81351 TR 8:00am-9:20pm T210 Berry, L./ Block prereq: College level ready in Mathematics algebra-based level. | |||||||
BLCK-1904-51350 (1176410) Accounting Clerk Certificate | TBA LEC M T R TBA LAB M T R | ECC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Accounting Clerk Certificate is a nine credit hour block scheduled program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-1904-51350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: POFI 1349.51350 M 9:30 - 11:50 a.m. M1026 Kerr, O., ACCT 2301.51350 TR 8:00 am - 9:20 a.m. M1045 Christiansen, R. POFT 1325.51350 TR 9:30-10:50 a.m. A434 Henslee, J.. Students must be TSI Math Met to enroll in this block of classes. Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI status. Check with your advisor for more information. |
BLCK 1906
A 9HR Block Program
9 Credit Hours (2 classes)
A 9HR Block Program
9 Credit Hours (2 classes)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-1906-61351 (1175175) Human Resources Assistant Cert | INET INET M T W R F S U | Fernandez, Charles / Vita (PDF) | MVC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Internet Based Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | |
Comments: The Human Resources Assistant Certificate is a 9 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predicable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 1906.63351 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: BMGT 1327.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Fernandez, C HRPO 2307.61350 . INET . 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 . Fernandez, C ENGL 1301.61351 . TBA Students must be TSI Reading, Writing, & Math Algebra-based Met to enroll in this block of classes. Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-1906-61350 (1175169) Accounting Clerk Certificate | TBA LEC M T W R F S U | MVC 9 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Accounting Clerk Certificate is a 9 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 1906.61350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: ACNT 1303.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Pierre ACNT 1304.61350 . INET . 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 . Pierre ACNT 1311.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Pierre ACNT 1313.61350 . INET . 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 . Pierre Students must be TSI Reading, Writing, & Math Algebra-based Met to enroll in this block of classes. Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. |
BLCK 2120
A 12HR Block Program
12 Credit Hours (17 classes)
A 12HR Block Program
12 Credit Hours (17 classes)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2120-31354 (1177433) 12 Hr Engine Tech Cert | H101 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:15 PM | CVC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Sep 28, 2018 (5 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Aug Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Motorcycle Technology Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2120 31354 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: MTRC-1402-31211 FLEX - 10/01/18 - 11/02/18 MTRC-1405-31211 FLEX - 08/27/18 - 09/28/18 MTRC-1419-31211 FLEX - 11/05/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31359 (1177490) 12 Hr Logistics Tech Cert | INET INET M T W R F S U | Johnson, Ruben / Vita (PDF) | CVC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Oct 19, 2018 (8 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Aug Internet Based Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | |
Comments: The Logistics Distribution Technician Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120-31359 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: IBUS-1300-31430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1319-33430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1321-31660 Hybrid 08/27/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1340-31430 INET 08/27/18 - 10/19/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31358 (1177486) 12 Hr Logistics Tech Cert | B213 HYBRD T R 07:30 PM - 09:20 PM | Johnson, Ruben / Vita (PDF) | CVC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | |
Comments: The Logistics Distribution Technician Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120-31358 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: IBUS-1300-31430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1319-33430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1321-31660 Hybrid 08/27/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1340-31430 INET 08/27/18 - 10/19/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31363 (1177513) 12 Hr Engine Repair Cert | H144 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:45 PM | CVC 12 | Nov 19, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (4 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Nov Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Engine Repair and Performance Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120 31363 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: AUMT-1305-31202 INET 08/27/18 - 09/21/18 AUMT-1307-31201 INET 09/24/18 - 10/18/18 AUMT-1310-31201 HYBRD 10/22/18 - 11/16/18 AUMT-1316-31201 INET 11/19/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31353 (1177429) 12 Hr Engine Tech Cert | H101 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:15 PM | CVC 12 | Oct 1, 2018 Nov 2, 2018 (5 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Oct Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Motorcycle Technology Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2120 31353 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: MTRC-1402-31211 FLEX - 10/01/18 - 11/02/18 MTRC-1405-31211 FLEX - 08/27/18 - 09/28/18 MTRC-1419-31211 FLEX - 11/05/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-81352 (1177269) Help Desk/User Support - Sem 2 | TBA LEC M W 11:15 AM - 01:20 PM | RLC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the CIT-Help Desk/User Support Technician Certificate Semester 2 Block (BLCK 2120.81352). Courses in this 12 credit hour block include: ITSW 1407.81352 Online Flex (9/3-12/13) Nino,A; ITSW 1404.81352 MW 11:15am-1:20pm B027 Hobson,D; and ITSC 2439.81352 Online Flex (9/24-12/13) Fossler, D. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31361 (1177504) 12 Hr Engine Repair Cert | H144 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:45 PM | CVC 12 | Sep 24, 2018 Oct 18, 2018 (4 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Sep Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Engine Repair and Performance Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120 31361 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: AUMT-1305-31202 INET 08/27/18 - 09/21/18 AUMT-1307-31201 INET 09/24/18 - 10/18/18 AUMT-1310-31201 HYBRD 10/22/18 - 11/16/18 AUMT-1316-31201 INET 11/19/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31355 (1177437) 12 Hr Engine Tech Cert | H101 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:15 PM | CVC 12 | Nov 5, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (6 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Nov Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Motorcycle Technology Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2120 31355 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: MTRC-1402-31211 FLEX - 10/01/18 - 11/02/18 MTRC-1405-31211 FLEX - 08/27/18 - 09/28/18 MTRC-1419-31211 FLEX - 11/05/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31362 (1177509) 12 Hr Engine Repair Cert | H144 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:45 PM | CVC 12 | Oct 22, 2018 Nov 16, 2018 (4 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Oct Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Engine Repair and Performance Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120 31362 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: AUMT-1305-31202 08/27/18 - 09/21/18 AUMT-1307-31201 09/24/18 - 10/18/18 AUMT-1310-31201 10/22/18 - 11/16/18 AUMT-1316-31201 11/19/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31356 (1177479) 12 Hr Logistics Tech Cert | INET INET M T W R F S U | CVC 12 | Oct 22, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (8 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Oct Internet Based Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Logistics Distribution Technician Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120-31356 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: IBUS-1300-31430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1319-33430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1321-31660 Hybrid 08/27/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1340-31430 INET 08/27/18 - 10/19/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-81351 (1177255) Help Desk/User Support - Sem 1 | TBA LEC M W 08:00 AM - 03:20 PM | RLC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: This class is included in the CIT-Help Desk/User Support Technician Certificate Semester 1 Block (BLCK 2120.81351). Courses in this 12 credit hour block include ITSC 1405.81351 MW 8:00am-10:00am D123 Shamsuzzaman, M; ITSC 1425.81351 MW 12:20pm - 3:20pm D123/WH133 West, D and ITSW 1401.81351 Online Flex (9/3-12/13) Gentsch, C. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31350 (1177419) 12 Hr Hart Tech I | H115 LEC M T W R 08:00 AM - 12:15 PM | CVC 12 | Oct 2, 2018 Nov 5, 2018 (6 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Oct Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Residential - Technician I Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2120 31350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: HART-1401-31211 FLEX 10/02/18 - 11/05/18 HART-1403-31211 FLEX 11/06/18 - 12/12/18 HART-1407-31211 FLEX 08/27/18 - 10/01/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-51350 (1176820) Visual Merchandising Asst Cert | TBA LEC M W F | ECC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Fashion Marketing - Visual Merchandising Assistant Certificate (Level 1) is a twelve (12) credit hour block scheduled program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule that will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120-51350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: FSHD 1302.51350 MW 9:30 am - 10:50 am M1125 Carter, C.; FSHN 2320.51350 MW 11:00 am - 12:50 pm M1125 Carter, C.; FSHN 1312.51350 F 11:00 am - 12:20 pm M1125 Carter, C.; MRKG 1311-51350 Flex Term Online (Aug. 27 - Oct. 19) Hyde, W. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31360 (1177499) 12 Hr Engine Repair Cert | H131 LEC M T W R F 08:00 AM - 12:45 PM | CVC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Sep 21, 2018 (4 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Aug Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Engine Repair and Performance Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120 31360 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: AUMT-1305-31202 INET 08/27/18 - 09/21/18 AUMT-1307-31201 INET 09/24/18 - 10/18/18 AUMT-1310-31201 HYBRD 10/22/18 - 11/16/18 AUMT-1316-31201 INET 11/19/18 - 12/13/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31357 (1177481) 12 Hr Logistics Tech Cert | INET INET M T W R F S U | CVC 12 | Oct 22, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (8 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Oct Internet Based Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Logistics Distribution Technician Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2120-31357 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: IBUS-1300-31430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1319-33430 INET 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1321-31660 Hybrid 08/27/18 - 12/13/18 LMGT-1340-31430 INET 08/27/18 - 10/19/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31351 (1177420) 12 Hr HART Tech I | H112 LEC M T W R 08:00 AM - 12:15 PM | CVC 12 | Nov 6, 2018 Dec 12, 2018 (6 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Nov Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Residential - Technician I Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2120 31351 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: HART-1401-31211 FLEX 10/02/18 - 11/05/18 HART-1403-31211 FLEX 11/06/18 - 12/12/18 HART-1407-31211 FLEX 08/27/18 - 10/01/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. | |||||||
BLCK-2120-31352 (1177421) 12 Hr HART Tech I | H115 LEC M T W R 08:00 AM - 12:15 PM | CVC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Oct 1, 2018 (6 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Flex Term Aug Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Residential - Technician I Certificate is a 12 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2120 31352 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: HART-1401-31211 FLEX 10/02/18 - 11/05/18 HART-1403-31211 FLEX 11/06/18 - 12/12/18 HART-1407-31211 FLEX 08/27/18 - 10/01/18 Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI Status. Check with your advisor for more information. |
BLCK 2121
A 12HR Block Program
12 Credit Hours (1 class)
A 12HR Block Program
12 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2121-71350 (1176687) A 12 Hr Block Program | TBA LEC M T W R F | To be Announced | NLC 12 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | |
Comments: This PC USER CERTIFICATE is a 12 hour block scheduled program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule that will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK-2121-71350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: BCIS 1405 71350 - Online class that meets Aug. 27 to Dec. 13. ITSW 1401 71350 - On campus class that meets Aug. 27 to Dec. 13. from 8am to 10:50am on Monday and Wednesday in room T225. ITSW 1404 71350 - On campus class that meets Aug. 27 to Dec. 13. from 11am to 1:50pm on Monday and Wednesday in room T225. Note: Enrolling in a block with less than 12 semester credit hours may affect your financial aid and/or TSI status. Check with your advisor for more information. |
BLCK 2130
A 13HR Block Program
13 Credit Hours (1 class)
A 13HR Block Program
13 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2130-21390 (1175586) A 13HR Block Program | TBA LEC M T W R F TBA LAB M T W R F | BHC 13 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Medical Front Office Assistant Certificate Level I -Certificate is a 13-hour credit hour block scheduled program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2130-21390 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: POFT 1127-21203/21390 Tuesday only 9-10:20 a.m. M130 Byars, P. POFI 1301-21001/21390 MW 12:00-1:20 p.m. M136 Rangnekar, N. MDCA 1313 21001/21390 MW 9:00-10:20 a.m. M136 Rangnekar, N. POFM 1317 21001/21390 MW 10:30-11:50 a.m. M136 Fernandez, M. POFM 1327-21001/21390 TR 10:30-11:50 a.m. M136 Turner, S. Students are TSI Math waived. |
BLCK 2140
A Block Program
14 Credit Hours (1 class)
A Block Program
14 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2140-51350 (1176298) Culinary Arts AAS Degree-Tk 2 | TBA LEC M T W TBA LAB M T W R F TBA PRAC M T W R F | ECC 14 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The FHI- Culinary Arts AAS Degree is a 14 credit hours block scheduled program (FAST TRACK #2) that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your degree. By enrolling in BLCK 2140.51350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: PSTR 1301.51350 MT 8:30-11:20 a.m. C140/C160 A. Macdonald, RSTO 2301.51350 T 12:00-2:50 p.m. C165/C150 S. Goh, RSTO 1304.51350 W 9:00-10:50 am & R 9:00a-1:50p C100 S. Goh, RSTO 1325.51350 W 12:00-2:50 p.m. C142/C150 C. LaLonde, and CHEF 1264.51350 (Practicum) MTWRFSU J. Preston. FHI Director Approval only. For more information contact Steve DeShazo at |
BLCK 2150
A Block Program
15 Credit Hours (1 class)
A Block Program
15 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2150-21375 (1175816) Visual Comm Certificate Lev I | B222 LEC M T W R F B222 LAB M T W R F | BHC 15 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Visual Communications Certificate Level I block is a fifteen hour block scheduled program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will alllow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2150-21375 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: ARTC 1302-21375 Monday 7:00 - 9:50 p.m. B227 Gonzalez, I. ARTC 1305-21375 TR 9:00 - 11:50 a.m. B224 Cornelius, R. ARTC 1309-21375 TR 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. B224 Cornelius, R. ARTC 1353-21375 Tuesday 7:00-9:50 p.m. B227 Patrick-Jenkins, C. ARTC 2311-21375 Online Debosier, M. Students are TSI Math waived in this block. |
BLCK 2155
A 15 Hr Block Program
15 Credit Hours (1 class)
A 15 Hr Block Program
15 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2155-51350 (1176354) Culinary Arts Aas Degree Tk 3 | TBA LEC M T W R TBA LAB M T W R | ECC 15 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The FHI- Culinary Arts AAS Degree is a fifteen (15) credit hours block scheduled program (FAST TRACK #3) that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your degree. By enrolling in BLCK 2155.51350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: CHEF 1301.51350 MT 9:00-11:50 a.m. C142/C105 TBD, RSTO 1313.51350 W 9:00-11:50 a.m. C160 S. Hyde, CHEF 1305.51350 R 9:00-11:50 a.m. C160 J. Yearwood, ENGL 1301.51350 MW 12:30-1:50 p.m. TBA, and MATH 1332.51350 TR 12:30-1:50 p.m. A543. Students must be TSI Reading, Writing, and Math Met to enroll in this block of classes. FHI Director Approval only. For more information, contact Steve DeShazo at |
BLCK 2156
A 15 Hr Block Program
15 Credit Hours (1 class)
A 15 Hr Block Program
15 Credit Hours (1 class)
No course description found
Course-Num-Sect (Reg#) Title | Class Meeting Information | Faculty Information | Loc / Credits | Start / End Dates Open Seats / Capacity | Class Features | Links | |
BLCK-2156-61350 (1175170) A 15 Hr Block Program | TBA LEC M T W R F S U | MVC 15 | Aug 27, 2018 Dec 13, 2018 (16 weeks) Class Ended | eCampus Block Schedule Program | Class Syllabus (PDF) Textbook Info IncludEd Info | ||
Comments: The Accounting Assistant Certificate is a 15 credit hour block schedule program that allows you to enroll in an entire block of courses, rather than enrolling in individual classes. Block scheduling provides a convenient and predictable class schedule and will allow you to complete your certificate in one year or less. By enrolling in BLCK 2156.61350 you will automatically be enrolled in the following classes: ACNT 1303.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Pierre ACNT 1304.61350 . INET . 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 . Pierre ACNT 1311.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 10/19/18 . Pierre ACNT 1313.61350 . INET . 10/22/18 - 12/13/18 . Pierre ARTS 1301.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 12/13/18 . TBA ENGL 1301.61350 . INET . 8/27/18 - 12/13/18 . TBA Students must be TSI Reading, Writing, & Math Algebra-based Met to enroll in this block of classes. |
Class Meeting Legend:(Show / Hide)
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